NHA Clients Served*
2000 –

* Dots represent client engagements since 2000. Case studies provided for some, but not all of these engagements.
Case Studies by Type
Case Studies by Practice Area
Our Complete Case Study Library*
Riverside Sewer Restructuring for Savings/Rate Management & Rating UpgradeMelanie James2021-01-18T15:24:09-08:00
Sea Level Rise Planning and Design Collaboration (Resilient by Design Bay Area)Melanie James2021-01-18T15:22:46-08:00
Selma Police Station Project/General Obligation Bond AuthorizationMelanie James2021-01-18T15:20:08-08:00
Yuba County/YCWA Road Project Financing Using Unique Revenue Source (SB 1 Funds)Melanie James2021-01-18T15:15:39-08:00
*This case study library does not represent a complete list of current or past NHA’s engagements.