

CalPERS Beats Target in FY’24

October 21st, 2024|

CalPERS announced the preliminary investment returns rate of 9.3% for FY 2023-24 and beat their target for the fiscal year, with over a three percent increase compared to the prior fiscal year. Many Section 115 Trusts also performed well, with [...]

CARB ACF Regulation and Local Government

August 23rd, 2023|

The new CARB ACF legislation passed April 2023 will fundamentally shift equipment replacement strategy going forward for state, local and federal government entities across California. The availability and affordability of Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) to replace aging fleets is [...]

Extreme Weather Events and Public Finance

April 19th, 2023|

Extreme weather events could have increasing impacts upon local governmental agencies’ tax base, including utility revenues, property and sales taxes, license and permit fees. As part of long-term financial forecasting efforts, public agencies should examine and plan for these [...]

Last-Minute Tips on GASB 87 Implementation

March 22nd, 2023|

Spanning our 170+ clients, we're hearing one common theme: implementing GASB 87 is delaying audits. Whether you're nearly done closing the books on FY 2022 or just starting the CY 2022 audit process, this NHAlert outlines three common methods [...]

CalPERS Commentary: “The Mountain Peak Returns”

January 30th, 2023|

NHA’s January 2023 NHAlert relates to a resurging financial challenge – pensions. Despite very strong CalPERS investment returns in FY 20-21, the negative investment returns in FY 21-22 may mean that the dreaded “mountain peak” of payments is set to return. NHA feels [...]

Pension Bonds – Heavy Issuance Continues… But Are Headwinds Ahead?

December 1st, 2021|

Since the beginning of 2020, over $7 billion of bonds have been issued to restructure CalPERS UAL by approximately 78 different local agencies. About 60 of the issuers have utilized a traditional POB bond structure, with others using a lease or alternative revenue bond structure. 56 of the transactions utilized a public offering sale, with the remainder using a private placement.

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