Berkeley Affordable Housing General Obligation Bond Authorization Berkeley Affordable Housing General Obligation Bond Authorization Berkeley Affordable Housing General Obligation Bond AuthorizationMelanie James2021-01-18T15:19:42-08:00
TDVA Tahoe South Events Center TDVA Tahoe South Events Center TDVA Tahoe South Events CenterMelanie James2021-01-18T15:19:53-08:00
Paso Robles Master Planned Development Fiscal Impact/Policy Planning Paso Robles Master Planned Development Fiscal Impact/Policy Planning Paso Robles Master Planned Development Fiscal Impact/Policy PlanningMelanie James2021-01-18T15:20:59-08:00
Rancho Cordova Development Infrastructure CFD Financings Rancho Cordova Development Infrastructure CFD Financings Rancho Cordova Development Infrastructure CFD FinancingsMelanie James2021-01-18T15:21:36-08:00
City of Industry TAB, Sales Tax and GO Bond Financing City of Industry TAB, Sales Tax and GO Bond Financing City of Industry TAB, Sales Tax and GO Bond FinancingMelanie James2021-01-18T15:23:43-08:00
Davis Cannery Development CFD Financing Davis Cannery Development CFD Financing Davis Cannery Development CFD FinancingMelanie James2021-01-18T15:24:59-08:00
Berkeley PACE Energy Financing Program (Residential Solar Initiative) Berkeley PACE Energy Financing Program (Residential Solar Initiative) Berkeley PACE Energy Financing Program (Residential Solar Initiative)Melanie James2021-01-18T15:13:34-08:00
Berkeley New Downtown Parking Garage – Parking Revenue Bond Berkeley New Downtown Parking Garage – Parking Revenue Bond Berkeley New Downtown Parking Garage – Parking Revenue BondMelanie James2021-01-18T15:17:36-08:00